Hello Beauties!
Today's post is on supplements. While many would say taking too much pills is not good for the body, i would say to select what you take carefully. Choose only the supplements that you really need. What i'm going to introduce are the supplements that my body needs. You might not need what i take and of course you might need something else which i don't.
Disclaimer: I am not paid to to talk on the following products :) Purely tried and tested!
There are many different brands out there for many different purposes. I definitely do not recommend to take pills for dieting/slimming. What i am going to recommend is to boost the vitamins and minerals needed by the body to help you to have healthy body and skin.
I am not going towards which brand is better as i have not tried as many brands to be able to say so. The vitamin/mineral itself is what i want to recommend :) so if you would like to try them out, you can start of with any brand :)
Evening Primrose Oil
Main Benefit: Relieve the discomforts of PMS, menopause, menstruation, endometriosis and fibrocystic breasts
During menstruation, many women experience inflammatory effects such as pain, breast tenderness, irritable bowel flare-ups amd carbohydrate cravings. This is because the body is lacking in GLA (a type of fatty acid), and these acids is suppose to help reduce inflammatory symptoms. These acids, by interfering with the production of inflammatory prostaglandins released during menstruation, the GLA in Evening Primrose Oil can help to lessen menstrual cramps and other symptoms.
I used to have very bad cramps which results me having to roll around on the bed, unable to stand straight and even dizzy spells. But after consuming the pills on a daily basis, it helped alot. I no longer have cramps and dizzy spells!
Other Benefits such as:
- Prevent diabetes-associated nerve damage
- Reduce the symptoms of eczema
- Help treat acne and rosacea
- Combat damage from multiple sclerosis
- Counter impotence and female infertility
- Treat Alzheimer's-related memory deficiencies
- Nourish nails, scalp, and hair
- Prevent alcohol withdrawal symptoms
Vitamin C
Main Benefit: Protection against immune system deficiencies (boost immune system and prevent against colds), cardiovascular disease, prenatal health problems, eye disease, and even skin wrinkling (prevent from growth of fine wrinkles ;)
Biotin is a natural vitamin in our body,widely known as Vitamin B7 or Vitamin H
Biotin Metabolism Benefits
Biotin is essential for your metabolic process, as this vitamin processes almost every type of food that you eat including carbohydrates, protein and fat. When you have proper levels of biotin in your body, food that you take are processes quickly. Instead of taking weight-loss pills or diet pills, biotin is a healthier and more natural choice with it's clear effects of metabolic levels.
Biotin Blood Sugar Benefits
Biotin plays a major role in your blood glucose production. Being able to breakdown carbohydrates within the body, it helps to keep/get your blood sugar level at healthy levels to properly functional amounts.
Biotin Hair & Nail Growth Benefits
Biotin may have an important role in the growth and maintenance of your hair and nails. If you suffer from a Biotin deficiency, you will typically experience hair loss and brittle nails, and taking supplements of this vitamin may help to halt this process. In many cases, taking a Biotin supplement may even help you to stimulate new hair and nail growth. Even though hair loss is rarely caused by a Biotin deficiency in your body, this problem can quite often be helped if you take Biotin supplements regularly.
I personally have quite a issue with hair loss and slow hair growth. It's getting better after i started consuming Biotin. I've just started to add Biotin into my daily dosage for less than a month and it's already taking effect :)
Biotin General Health Benefits
Biotin, like all of the B-complex vitamins, has an essential role within your body. Biotin offers your body much more than just a metabolic boost - it can help virtually every part of your body to achieve and maintain good health.
Hakubi White C (whitening pills)
There are many different types of whitening pills in the market. However i'm recommended to try out Hakubi White C by SATO. They contain Vitamins that helps to reduces pigmentation and freckles.
It contains the following Vitamins:
- Vitamin C (600mg) for skin whitening
- L-cysteine (240mg) promotes active skin re-generation and flawless skin
- Calcium Pantothenate - enhance skin whitening to as much as 1.6times
It is known to be able to suppresses the production of melanin that causes pigmentation.
Whitening pills are perfect for people who are prone to blemishes and freckles, and for those who lead active outdoor lifestyles at work or play.
That's all for today. Such a long post!
But most importantly, be happy and stay healthy!
Charmaineskx <3